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Become a WIE Member 

Are you enthusiastic about public engagement and keen to get involved in what WIE is doing? Sign up to become a member today! 

The benefits of membership are: 
  • Recieve a regular newsletter update on what WIE is doing and how to get involved 
  • Invitation to a termly welcome and networking event for new members focussed on what we do and how they can get involved further.
  • Apply to become a fellow of WIE 
  • A chance to take part in our Learning Circles
Select the option below if you would like to sign up for membership. 

Please use the version of your Warwick email address with your name included, instead of the version based on your User Number. e.g. richard.spoon@warwick.ac.uk NOT u1234567@warwick.ac.uk.

The system cannot read email addresses based on your user number, so we won't be able to contact you if you use this. 

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Monitoring

We are asking for this data to help us understand how different demographic groups at the university are involved with public engagement – providing it is entirely optional.

If you do not wish to answer then you can either leave the questions below unanswered, or else select "prefer not to say". If text has autofilled into the ethnicity box, delete it and then select "reset selection" from the dropdown. 

Ways we can contact you

WIE EDI Privacy Notice

The data provided by you in this form will be used to contact you in relation to your application. Relevant data may also be shared with those involved in scoring applications. Your data will be stored by the Warwick Institute of Engagement team for monitoring and reporting purposes. You can ask to have your data removed from this database at any time by contacting wie@warwick.ac.uk.

The University of Warwick is the Data Controller of any information you have entered on this form and is committed to protecting the rights of individuals in line with Data Protection Legislation. The University's Data Protection webpages provide further information on your rights and how the University processes personal data. Please submit any data subject rights requests to infocompliance@warwick.ac.uk or address any complaints or suspected breaches to the University's Data Protection Officer at DPO@warwick.ac.uk.


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University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, UK


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