
Your Student Newsletter - Week 5
The Student Communications Team
Undergraduate Undergraduate <mrgammon+UG@gmail.com>

Hello Undergraduate,

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Learning, teaching, research, and assessments

On Track

Level up your studies by attending the Library’s On Track programme.Join peer-to-peer led workshops that delve into themes related to the student cycle and will help you to improve specific targeted academic skills. We also host Write Here Write Now sessions, which allow attendees to complete focus work without interruptions, and weekly Academic Writing Stations, where you can receive feedback on your academic writing from student facilitators.

Distinguished Africa Lecture

Warwick Africa Hub is delighted to announce Professor Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela, Stellenbosch University, as the keynote speaker at this year’s Distinguished Africa Lecture, happening on Monday 12 June, 4.14pm-5.30pm in the Oculus. Find out more and register to attend the hybrid event here.
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Support, safety and community

Wellbeing: Work-life balance

Work-life balance does not always have to be equal, it can change throughout the academic year. What’s important is how you manage this balance. A good starting point is to think about what is important, and what is urgent. This can
include asking yourself what you value, want to do well in, or want to achieve. Sign up for our Procrastination and Life Balance session to explore more ways to achieve the right balance for you.

Study Happy: Mindfulness

Join Study Happy's Mindfulness session on Wednesday 31 May at 1pm. The free weekly workshops are a great way to try different mindfulness techniques if you are a beginner and find dedicated space and time for regular practice.

Pressure Drop campaign

The SU is holding an Extended Hours study session with a free hot drink on Wednesday 31 May between 6pm-8pm as part of their pressure drop campaign during this exam season.

Student blog: How to study for an upcoming exam

Student Umair Khan shares top tips to help you prepare for your exams that are coming up soon. From planning, to lecture slides, to mock tests, read the full piece here.

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Let's keep the dialogue going

The Student Feedback Survey is now open!

We’re committed to ensuring the student experience is the best that it can be. That’s why we invite you to share your valuable insights in the Student Feedback Survey, our joint University and Students’ Union survey. By sharing your feedback, we’ll be able to gain a deeper understanding of what we’re doing well and where we can improve. The survey takes no more than 15 minutes to complete, and you’ll have the chance to enter a prize draw after completion, with 11 Amazon vouchers (2 x £100 vouchers, 4 x £50 vouchers, and 5 x £30 vouchers) up for grabs! Please complete the survey today.

Best wishes,

Grace signature
and the Student Communications team