
Your Student Newsletter - Week 8
The Student Communications Team
First Year <mrgammon+FirstYear@gmail.com>

Hello First,

Welcome to Week 8. In today's newsletter, access your work experience toolkit to equip you with skills and training, and discover job opportunities within the Arrivals Team. 

We're excited to announce the launch of the Excellence in Gender Equality Awards. Read on to find out how you can make your nomination.

Don't forget to take a break by joining the Library's Creative Chillout session, where you can revamp old clothes or try your hand at sewing, crocheting or knitting. 

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Let's keep the dialogue going

Excellence in Gender Equality Awards

We are pleased to announce that the Excellence in Gender Equality Awards for 2023 are now open for nominations! The Awards recognise individuals and teams that are making an outstanding contribution to progressing the gender equality agenda here at Warwick. All students and staff are eligible. Find out more and make your nomination here.

Student Voice and Impact Awards shortlist

The SU's Student Voice and Impact Awards celebrate students who advocate and create change for the student experience, including Course Reps, Execs, Activists and Campaigners. View the shortlist ahead of the Awards on Wednesday 14 June in the SU's Green Room.

Best wishes,

Grace signature

and the Student Communications Team