Your Doctoral College newsletter
Hello, and welcome back to your Doctoral College newsletter. We hope you’ve had a restful Spring vacation. This week, we would like to remind you that the PGR Hardship Support Fund is available if you are experiencing financial constraints. We are also bringing you some exciting events, including the Midlands Graduate School Student Conference, Bridging Translation and Comics Workshop, our Warwick Research Celebration, plus the opportunity to apply for the IATL/IAS Early Career Teaching Fellowships (ECTF).
July Graduation ceremonies are just around the corner. To be eligible for the July Graduation ceremonies, you will need to complete the examination process. The deadline for completion of the examination process is Friday 14 June. You can find out more information here.
If you are experiencing financial constraints due to unforeseen circumstances, then the PGR Hardship Support Fund may be for you. Postgraduate Research students are eligible to submit an application for funding at any point during their registration period. Learn more about the PGR Hardship Support Fund.
Academic and non-academic career panels
Don't miss out on the opportunity to join these interdisciplinary Q&A-style panels of both academic and non-academic pathways, where you will have the chance to ask any questions you have. The non-academic careers panel is taking place on 6 June at 10-11:30am. The Careers in Academia panel is taking place on 12 June at 10-11:30am. Both of these panels are followed by lunch. You can register here.
Monash-Warwick Alliance PhD Travel Grant
The Monash Warwick Alliance PhD Travel Grant presents a great opportunity for you to connect with academics and fellow research students across the globe. You can also expand your network, generate and share new ideas, and enhance your professional and personal development. You can apply by the end of 29 April.
Early Career Teaching Fellowships
Applications are now open for two IATL/IAS Early Career Teaching Fellowships (ECTF) for 2024/25. The ECTF programme provides support for Warwick doctoral candidates in the transition to their postdoctoral career. It’s an exciting opportunity to develop your teaching and research as you engage with the interdisciplinary activities of IATL and IAS. The ECTF website has full details about the fellowships, eligibility and application process. Apply by Monday 13 May at 1pm.
Join focus groups about Warwick
What makes Warwick unique? What are we good (and not so good) at? As part of our Brand Evolution project, we’re looking for students to tell us about your perceptions. Get involved and receive a £25 Amazon voucher as a thank you.
The MGS student conference held on 27 June at the University of Leicester, invites researchers to present their work, share their passion and enthusiasm for research with peers, and get valuable feedback. The theme of this conference is Research for Change and Social Impact. Please note that the deadline for abstract submissions is Monday 29 April. Register your place and submit an abstract here.
The Warwick Research Celebration is an event to showcase and celebrate Warwick’s research and impact on 29 April, 1:30-6:30pm at The Slate. We will shine a light on our research excellence and the invaluable contributions our community makes to research. The event includes an awards ceremony to recognise the contributions of individuals and teams at Warwick and research successes. Book your place today!
Be part of this exciting workshop with Heartstopper translator, Anna Martino, and a conversation with Dr. Anna Lanfranchi, scheduled on 26 April from 5-6:30pm in the FAB 4.76. Sign up today!
There are several Department Conferences that are taking place specifically for Postgraduate Researchers in the upcoming months. You can find out more about them here.
Festival of Postgraduate Research
As the Festival of Postgraduate Research draws closer, we are delighted to invite you to take part. The event on 23 May is an opportunity to showcase your research either in 3-minute talks or in a range of traditional and non-traditional formats. The day will include interactive talks on topics such as 'Overcoming challenges during your PhD' and 'Finding joy in your research'. Let’s come together and enjoy ourselves over shared interests and some delicious refreshments!
You can register to attend either in person at The Slate, or online using the button below. If you have any questions, please contact us at We are looking forward to seeing you there.
Best wishes,
and the Doctoral College Team