IATL newsletter Template July.

News from IATL
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Welcome to the IATL Newsletter Student,

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IATL 2024 Reflections

Our final newsletter of the academic year provides reflections on some of IATL’s recent events and activities, as well as extending an invitation to work with us in the next academic year to develop a new interdisciplinary module. We also want to highlight again the
new IATL strategy developed during this year and our impacts and achievements over the previous strategy cycle. Next academic year, we will be re-launching our website, which will be based around our new strategy and will also share our practice, so that you can explore what IATL does and how you can bring that to your own practice or learning.

ICUR 2024

IATL’s International Conference of Undergraduate Research (ICUR) 2024 took place on 26th and 27th June, bringing together researchers and audiences from across the world in hybrid, international, interdisciplinary conversations. More than 300 students took part in the event – spanning 17 institutions and 6 continents – presenting their original research in oral panels and poster sessions chaired and supported by a talented co-creation team of student Directors, Session Chairs, and Audiovisual Technicians.


Professor Michael Scott delivered the conference’s keynote address – “Global Travellers, Past and Present” – to packed rooms in Warwick, Venice, Singapore, and beyond; and a programme of complementary sessions offered opportunities to engage with next steps for research including employment and identity, academic publication, and doctoral study.


Our thanks to our ICUR partners, presenters, and supporters for making ICUR 2024 a resounding success.  

Undergraduate Research Dissemination - One Student's Experiences

“No matter what your degree or your future plans are, I would recommend to people to get involved with undergraduate research more generally.” Justin Yu

During Justin Yu's final year as a Law undergraduate student at the University of Warwick he presented his dissertation research at various undergraduate research conferences around the world, including BCUR (the British Conference of Undergraduate Research) and NCUR (the National Conference of Undergraduate Research), in North America. The Reinvention journal editorial team spoke to Justin about his journey and the impact of presenting his undergraduate research, you can read the full article here

IATL Writing Workshop

Fraser Logan, IATL's Teaching Fellow, offered a free writing workshop on 31st May. It was open to all students at Warwick. Attendees followed a variety of free writing prompts, embraced uncertainty, and shared different perspectives on spontaneity and the creative process.

Workshop on Interdisciplinary Education

IATL's workshop on interdisciplinary education took place on 7th June.  Facilitated by Dr Adam Neal, Dr Juliet Raynsford and Prof Jonathan Heron, the workshop brought together a variety of students and teachers from different disciplines interested in interdisciplinary education. The event received excellent feedback, and prompted conversations around interdisciplinary Student-Devised Assessments, interdisciplinary projects, metaphors of interdisciplinary, and the Postgraduate Award in Interdisciplinary Pedagogy.

New Publication from IATL-Funded Student Project

Artist, Writer and former Warwick Law student, Gervaise Savvias has recently published a collection titled 'Fissile Material', as an extension of their IATL-funded Student Project from 2022. Find out more here. Congratulations Gervaise!

IATL's Online Assessment Exhibition is NOW LIVE

Explore IATL's new online Assessment Exhibition which celebrates the incredible interdisciplinary student work produced on IATL modules, and discover how IATL assessment programmes lead to student-centred, inclusive learning experiences.

IATL on Warwick Research Spotlight

IATL's research, which aims to shape prospective European Union policies to improve mental health and wellbeing across higher education institutions, was featured in the summer edition of Spotlight. Missed it? Read our findings in the report we compiled for the European Commission.

IATL Opportunity Banner

New Module Call

Could you offer a ‘radical’ interdisciplinary learning experience to students at undergraduate and postgraduate level? Send your module proposals to IATL before Friday 26 July.

Funding for Staff and Student Projects

Our Project Support scheme will reopen next year, with further details published on the Project Support website from September. We look forward to another year of supporting staff and students to pursue their interests and promote innovation in teaching and learning at Warwick. Visit our website to see previously funded staff and student projects.

IATL wishes all colleagues and students a great summer break and we look forward to working with you in the 2024-25 academic year.

Best wishes, 

Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning (IATL)