
Your guide for career planning, housing, visas and more...
The Student Communications Team
Pgt 1St Year Student <warwickazorus+PGT1st@gmail.com>
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Hello Pgt 1St Year

Your Summer Newsletter

Hi everyone, and welcome to the August edition of your summer PGT newsletter. For those of you coming towards the end of your studies, make sure you check out our comprehensive guide to career planning, housing, visa information and more! Over the summer, there are still activities and events on campus and in the local area for you to get involved in, including volunteering opportunities.

Don’t forget, our support teams are available throughout the summer to provide ongoing guidance.

Latest news and updates 

person working on a laptop

Resources and guidance towards the end of your course

Whether you're a Home or International student, we have you covered with a comprehensive guide to life after studies, supporting you with career planning, moving out and housing, shipping and storage, preparing for graduation, Warwick alumni and Visa information. Check out the guide here.

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Support following
recent events

It has been deeply distressing to witness acts of disorder in some parts of the UK over recent days. There is no place for racism in our community or elsewhere. If you are affected, please know that you’re not alone. Support is available for our community.


Get involved

Summer volunteering

If you’re looking for ways to meet new people, give back to the local community, and develop new skills, volunteering could be your answer. From helping the homeless, to supporting arts and cultural events, there are a variety of summer volunteering opportunities in Coventry and Warwickshire on the Warwick volunteering pages.

Job vacancies and careers support through MyAdvantage

Are you interested in graduate roles, summer employment, placement opportunities and more? Check out the range of vacancies available on MyAdvantage. You can also book one-to-one appointments with a member of the careers team, who can provide feedback on your applications and help you explore career options.

Job opportunity: Arrivals Assistant

We hire hundreds of helpers each year as new students arrive on campus. If you want to become an Arrivals Assistant or Arrivals Supervisor, please apply for the role.

What's on

Housing day

Housing beyond

As part of the Your Futures Roadshow in July, we invited the Students' Union Advice Centre to run a session about Moving Out and Private Housing Beyond University for PGT students. If you were unable to attend, the presentation slides are now available to view.

girl playing with dog

Events during the
summer period

Throughout the summer, there are still events on campus and in the local area where you can connect with other students outside of your department and course. Why not check out the PG Tips session that takes places every Tuesday from 3-4pm. Take a look at the full list of events.


Best wishes,

and the Student Communications team