Warwick Presents takeover!
A warm hello and welcome from the team here at Warwick Presents. We are very excited about kicking off Term 1 with a programme of activities that are designed to help embrace our global community, have fun and meet new people! From cultural celebrations and performances to workshops and discussions, our team is committed to producing a variety of opportunities to enhance your experience of being a part of our Warwick community. Check out what’s on and come and join us… we can’t wait to meet you.
Will, Gemma, Caroline, Claire, Becca, Jenny, Natalie & Jong Won
It’s an interesting time for us this year, as we are evolving from our current shape to think about what Warwick Presents should be in the future. We can’t do that alone; we want you to work with us to inform our work and tell us what activities and events you really want to see in our programme.
That’s why we have launched ‘The Big Ask’, a student experience project that will enable us to hear your voices and understand how we need to change.
We also have lots of exciting events coming up during Global Celebrations Week, which is part of the wider One World Warwick celebrations. The highlight of the week will be the Global Light Procession, where we will light up our campus with a dazzling theatrical parade, plus lots of other exciting workshops and activities.
Diwali and Christmas are fast approaching too, so check out our events below.
Starting Wednesday 16 October
Incite your imagination with this prop-making workshop with artist Naoibh MacNamee, to design an original item that can be shared at the Global Light Procession. These workshops will run on Wednesdays in collaboration with Warwick Arts Centre in the lead-up to the Light Procession. Check out our website for more information.
Wednesday 13 November
Wrap up warm and join us on for a spectacular display of light and colour as we celebrate Warwick’s culture and diversity on a procession through the heart of our beautiful campus. Combining music, art installations and choreography, this performance will showcase the creativity of our student societies.
Thursday 31 October
Celebrate Diwali by trying your hand at card making, Rangoli art or painting your own Diya. The SU are also bringing you a live DJ, dance performances, and you can even pick up a free samosa voucher!
As part of our commitment to improving our programme to be more inclusive and relevant to everyone, we really want to hear your voice. This is your chance to have your say and help shape the Warwick Presents programme for the future. Sign up to get involved!
Tuesday 12 November
Calling all chatterboxes! Join us at Bar Fusion and take part in our Language Exchange tables which provide a safe place to share conversations about all things language and culture.
Fancy trying your hand at some crafts to
make something special for the festive season? Join us at this delightful Christmas crafts workshop where you can make something wonderful to surprise your loved ones. Details will be released soon on our website.
And the fun doesn’t stop there…
We’ll have activities taking place during vacation and throughout the year as well, so keep an eye on our website for updates.
Are you running an event this term and want some help promoting it? Submit your events via our content form and we’ll add your event to our calendar, which links with the MyWarwick app and digital screens around campus.
The University is looking to open a cookery school on campus, offering a variety of cooking classes for our community. Are you interested? Let us know in our short survey. As a thank you for your time, you could win 1 of 3 x £20 Amazon vouchers.
We hope to see you very soon!
Best wishes,
The Warwick Presents Team
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