CS_MyWarwick_newsletter_24_25_Term 1_UG/PGT_Week_4_ AS

Student funding support drop-ins, Warwick’s £700m STEM investment, and join a #TeamWarwick sports club!
The Student Communications Team
International Undergraduate <mrgammon+UG@gmail.com>
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Hello International

Your Week 4 Newsletter

Hi everyone. We hope you’re enjoying this term – it’s a busy time of year, but there is lot’s going on at Warwick for you to get involved in, whether that’s to support your studies or take a break and make new connections.

In this week’s newsletter, find out about daily student funding support drop-ins, have the chance to win a £100 soundbar, learn about Warwick’s exciting £700m investment for the STEM Connect Programme, and why you should join a #TeamWarwick sports club to enrich your student experience.

Don’t forget that if you need any support, our teams are here for you. You can contact Wellbeing and Student Support, our Report + Support service, or your personal tutor.

Latest news and updates 

render of new building

The STEM Connect

The University is proud to announce a £700m investment in our West Midlands campus - our largest investment in our 60-year history. The first phase will bring state-of-the-art facilities designed to foster innovation and research excellence. Discover more here.

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SU Autumn Election

We put you in charge of deciding your future student leaders. You can now find out who will be representing you as SU Forum Members, Course and Faculty Reps and Part-Time Student Officers on the election results page.


The clocks are going back

At Warwick, our priority is ensuring you get to enjoy all that University life has to offer, whilst feeling safe and secure. With the clocks changing back by an hour on Sunday 27 October, see our tips for staying safe on and off campus especially during the winter months.

Protecting yourself
against spear phishing

Please be aware that members of our community have recently received emails claiming to be from senior staff at Warwick, sent via a Gmail account. These emails are not legitimate. Read more about spear-phishing.


International student support

We want to make sure our international student community has access to support resources and important updates.

Get involved

Applications open for the TeamWork International Experience Programme

Work with a team of students from Warwick and other top universities around the world on an online project assigned by an organisation. You will develop your international experience, intercultural and communication skills and project management techniques by taking part. Apply by 25 November, visit the TeamWork page for more information.

Mandatory Preventing Harassment short course launches next week

Following on from the Good Course: Consent short course you will have completed, all students will be enrolled onto the next course about Preventing Harassment on 30 October. A link will be sent directly to you via message or email and takes less than 7 minutes to complete. By taking part, you are helping to create a safer environment for all.

Join the conversation: we need to hear from you on sustainability 

Warwick’s Sustainability Strategy is undergoing a refresh, and we need to hear from you. Join our upcoming workshops where you can share your thoughts and feedback to shape a strategy that will deliver positive change for sustainability within our University community. Sessions take place online and in-person between 18 and 19 November. Register your place here.


Many of us will be taking part in festivities and celebrations at this time of year. If you plan to include fireworks in your celebrations, this is a reminder that there are professional local displays you can attend, and to please be mindful of your neighbours when making your way home.

What's on

students sat outside on bench in summer

Student funding

Are you experiencing financial hardship? There is support available to you. Come along to our daily drop-in from 10am-3pm, Monday-FridayOur Student Funding Support team is based in Senate House at the Wellbeing and Student Support Desk.

diwali design

Diwali workshops:
31 October

As part of One World Warwick's Global Celebrations Week, take part and unleash your creativity and celebrate Diwali with hands-on workshops at the Students’ Union! Sessions include Diwali card making, Rangoli art dive, and paint your own diya. Find out more here.

football tournament poster

National FC25 University tournament final: 26 October

Head over to the Esports centre at Fusion bar (First Floor, Rootes Building) to watch the National FC25 University tournament final to see which university comes out on top. Enjoy free drinks and snacks, and take part in our mini challenges (FC25, PC games, and racing) for a chance to win a £100 TCL soundbar. Don’t miss out!

logo for survivor sanctuary

Survivor Sanctuary:
Peer Support sessions

Survivor Sanctuary is a peer support group for anyone affected by sexual misconduct. Sessions are now running every fortnight on Thursdays in the Oculus, OC0.05 from 7pm-8.30pm. There will be arts and crafts, homemade treats and refreshments in a calming space, hosted by caring volunteers. Remember, support is always available through our Report and Support team.

Spotlight on…💡 

Join #TeamWarwick

Team Warwick is the combined sports club community on campus, where you can keep healthy, have fun and meet new people. Watch the video below to find out how joining a sports club can enrich your student experience!

person running on sidewalk with playbutton cover

Join #TeamWarwick


Must-have apps: Making life in the UK easier and more fun!

A blog by Shuangting, PhD researcher

This week, Shuangting from China shares a variety of apps that made her transition to living in the UK smoother, along with some top tips to make the most out of your experience.

Read Shuangting's blog


Best wishes,

and the Student Communications team

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