Your Week 6 Newsletter
Hi everyone, and welcome to your Week 6 newsletter. We’re sharing some exciting updates and events this week, including our 60th Anniversary celebrations in 2025, and it’s Global Celebrations Week next week! Check out what’s happening below, and join us in celebrating the diverse cultures, ideas, and traditions that make our campus a vibrant community.
Dreaming of international experiences? This event is for students interested in studying, working, volunteering, or conducting research abroad, both during and outside of term time. Explore your options and hear first-hand from students who've seized these opportunities!
Fusion Sports Bar will be serving a special menu of dishes from around the world on 12 November, from 5-9pm, with live music until 7pm. Register your interest by 4pm on 11 November to buy one get one free on a pint of Coke, Coke Zero, Lemonade, or a bottle of Corona.
Wrap up warm and join us for a dazzling show of light and colour as we celebrate our culture and diversity at the heart of Global Celebrations Week. Attend a prop-making workshop beforehand to build your own illuminated creations!
Learn Mandarin or Spanish in our Bilingual Intercultural Workshops, or join our Language Exchange Tables during Global Celebrations Week to embrace all things language and culture.
Hear from Professor Michael Scott
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (International)
“From 11-17 November, teams across the University, as well as our partners and alumni communities around the globe, are putting on an incredible range of events and activities to celebrate the different cultures that make us. We welcome our newest members from around the world, showcase the international opportunities available to staff and students and set out our vision for Warwick’s global future.”
We’ve announced a series of exciting events throughout 2025 as we prepare to celebrate our 60th anniversary, premiering with the Festival of Innovation in January and culminating in a stunning light festival in November. This week marked 60 days until our landmark anniversary, and we can't wait to celebrate with you. Find out more!
At Warwick, we care deeply about student wellbeing and making sure the best possible support is available for anyone in need. We’ve made significant efforts to ensure our students are safe and it’s vital that we encourage everyone to seek support and specialist help when they’re struggling. Please read more in our open letter.
The SU Advice Centre is hosting a Housing Day on Wednesday 13 November. Learn about securing accommodation for next year, with a live Q&A from the Advice Centre and presentations from Warwick Accommodation and StudentPad, to support you through your housing journey.
Living off-campus allows you to enjoy the freedom of exploring the local area while still being part of the Warwick community. We’ve put together resources for you to find out more about living in Coventry, Leamington Spa, Kenilworth, or other nearby towns around campus.
Have you completed the Student Feedback Survey yet? Don't forget to have your say, and tell us about your experiences this term in our joint University and SU survey. You’ll have the option to enter a prize draw with a chance of winning 1 of 16 shopping vouchers!
We're excited to introduce Green Rewards! Join us on our journey to a more sustainable campus by taking part in this exciting new programme. Log your sustainable actions, like active travel, recycling, and sustainable shopping, and earn Green Points as a result. Every month, you’ll have a chance to win a £5 or £10 voucher to exchange for a wide variety of prizes. Join online now.
The OddBalls Foundation is coming to the Piazza with their ‘Odd Pod’, raising awareness for testicular cancer. The ‘OddPod’ trailer will provide a space for men to check for any unusual signs. If you make a donation to the charity, you'll receive a free pair of Oddballs underwear! Find out more.
The Warwick Presents team are spending the next year refreshing their programme and want to hear from you, starting with a series of student-led workshops. Refreshments will be provided and each attendee will receive a £10 Warwick food and drink voucher as a thank you. Help shape your student experience and sign up.
In support of Men's Mental Health Awareness Month, we’re hosting an interactive workshop on 13 November to create safer and braver spaces for male students. Sign up to meet new people and enjoy light refreshments, open to all male and male-identifying students.
We will be gathering on the Piazza with students and staff, alongside the local community, for an act of remembrance this Armistice Day. Join us from 10:30-11:15am on Monday 11 November.
Best wishes,
and the Student Communications team
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