CS_MyWarwick_newsletter_24_25_Term 1_UG/PGT_Week_7_ AS

Warwick Volunteers receive the King's Award, your chance to enter our recipe competition, and platform your creativite idea at Warwick Arts Centre...
The Student Communications Team
International Undergraduate <mrgammon+UG@gmail.com>
60 years and beyond. Making a better world together.

Hello International

Your Week 7 Newsletter

Hi everyone, and welcome to your Week 7 newsletter. We've passed the half-way point of Term 1! This week, we're celebrating Warwick Volunteers for receiving the King's Award for Voluntary Service for 2024. Read on for your chance to win a £10 Warwick food and drink voucher for sharing your thoughts with Warwick Presents, and you can put forward a creative idea to perform at Warwick Arts Centre. Plus, find out about improvements we've made to safety and lighting on campus, thanks to your feedback.

Latest news and updates 

Warwick volunteers sat with VC

Warwick Volunteers granted
The King's Award 2024

Warwick Volunteers is delighted to have been granted The King’s Award for Voluntary Service for 2024. The Award recognises the huge contribution to the community made by students at Warwick who have given their time and skills to support charities and organisations across Coventry and Warwickshire. If you are interested in volunteering, get started here!

Faculty of Arts Building

Safer at Warwick: Thank you
for making a difference

Thanks to your feedback in our joint University and Students’ Union (SU) ‘Safer at Warwick Survey’ in November 2023, we have been working hard alongside the SU to improve safety on campus. Read more about significant improvements to lighting and transport on campus, as well as a number of new safety initiatives within the SU.
students chatting

Make campus your first
choice: book your room

Finding accommodation doesn't need to be hard work. If you are continuing your studies at Warwick next academic year, eligible students can simply book a room in the residence you want to live in with the option of requesting to live in a group with friends.

students around a table talking

Considering a Master's
at WBS?

Experience a taster lecture from WBS academics, learn about career opportunities and support available during your Master's studies, and gain advice on making a competitive application. Current Master's students will be on hand to share their experience of WBS and answer your questions. Register your place

Get involved

This is your last chance to tell us about your student experience in Term 1 through the Student Feedback Survey - our joint University and SU survey. Don't miss out,  You’ll have the option to enter a prize draw with a chance of winning 1 of 16 shopping vouchers.

Recipe competition: share your favourite dishes!

In honour of Global Celebrations Week, Warwick Food Group invites you to share recipes that remind you of home, a cultural celebration, or simply your favourite dish. The winning dishes will feature on the menus during our cultural celebrations. Plus, you'll receive a £50 voucher to spend in Warwick cafés and the option to attend a celebratory lunch with fellow winners. The competition will close on 13 DecemberEnter your recipe!

Platform: Submit your creative idea to Warwick Arts Centre

Do you have an idea that you would like to Platform at Warwick Arts Centre? This is your chance to get creative and bring an idea, a development project, a workshop, talk, Q&A, music, drama or art event and be guided by the Warwick Arts Centre team to help make it happen. Applications close on 18 NovemberFind out more and get involved.

International student support

We want to make sure our international community has access to support resources and important updates. 
  • Are you planning to travel outside of the UK as part of a research exchange, for a conference, or just for a visit? Our travelling abroad page is packed with practical guidance for a safe and hassle-free journey, including how to check visa requirements and get help.
  • Too many emails? This week, Adila shares advice on how best to manage your inbox and stay organised. Read Adila's blog.

What's on

Moustache image

Movember: 'Odd Pod'
19 November

The OddBalls Foundation is coming to the Piazza with their ‘Odd Pod’, raising awareness for testicular cancer. The ‘OddPod’ trailer will provide a space for men to check for any unusual signs. If you make a donation to the charity, you'll receive a free pair of Oddballs underwear! Find out more.

lady on a phone

Warwick Presents:
The Big Ask

The Warwick Presents team are spending the next year refreshing their programme and want to hear from you, starting with a series of student-led workshops. Refreshments will be provided and each attendee will receive a £10 Warwick food and drink voucher as a thank you. Help shape your student experience and sign up.

Spotlight on…💡 

Understanding your housing contract

A blog by Charlotte, Student Money Assistant

Signing a housing contract is a big step, so it’s essential to understand what you’re agreeing to. Charlotte breaks down everything you need to know about renting.

Read Charlotte's blog


Autumn on campus

Take a minute to watch and listen to some mindful moments showcasing how beautiful our campus looks in the Autumn.

bunny rabbit with play button


Best wishes,

and the Student Communications team


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