Your Doctoral College newsletter
Hi everyone! Welcome back to your fortnightly Doctoral College newsletter.
We have some exciting updates to share with you this week. Apply for a £2,000 grant to support interdisciplinary health research, win shopping vouchers for taking the 2024 Travel Survey, apply to join the Gender Task Force, and find out about Christmas opening hours over the festive period.
Do you travel to and from Warwick by bus, car, train, cycling or walking? We want to hear about your experiences. By taking part in our 2024 Travel Survey, you’ll have the chance to win 1 of 50 x £10 shopping vouchers.
Stay connected with the Doctoral College and your research community, by following our social media channels to keep up-to-date with the latest news, events, opportunities, resource videos and more. We are on YouTube, Instagram, X, and LinkedIn.
In this prestigious fellowship, fellows can conduct their projects at any academic institution worldwide, choosing the best environment for their research. Applications are welcome from a wide range of fields. Apply by 15 January 2025.
The Health Spotlight is offering up to £2,000 for early career researchers to support interdisciplinary health research. Funding can be used for pump-priming, data collection, networking, or skills development projects in collaboration with another discipline. Apply here.
The Taskforce are seeking postgraduate researchers who have an interest in, knowledge of, or expertise in addressing inequalities and barriers that arise in the university sector in relation to gender. Applications are welcomed from all genders, postgraduate fields and modes of study, who are able to commit 12-36 months. Apply by 6 December.
Narrative Research Study: PGRs needed!
Do you identify as being from a White and South Asian mixed ethnic background? We are seeking researchers, to participate in a research study exploring the racial experiences of individuals with this identity in academia. If you're interested in taking part please email:
Find out what’s open on campus across the Christmas period, from Food and Drink, Community Support Services, the Sports Centre, and more! You can visit our opening hours page for details. Remember, if you have an emergency on campus, our Community Safety team are available 24/7.
Join us at Scarman on 3 December, from 10am-1pm, to explore how we can better support neurodivergent PGRs, and share your perspectives. We will be joined by Key Note speaker Brian Irvine, a Research Fellow at IOE's Centre for Research in Autism and Education (CRAE). View the agenda and register your place here.
Attend the SOHA launch at the FAB Atrium on 28 November, from 4.30-5pm, with a welcome from Warwick's Vicki Squire (PAIS) and Emma Flynn (Provost). The exhibition will be hosted in the Atrium for two weeks, co-created by Soka Gakkai International and the Earth Charter International, sharing a vision for a sustainable society.
Rejection is extremely common during your PhD, especially for those who are neurodivergent and experience rejection sensitivity dysphoria. In this blog, hear Lauren's experiences of of dealing with rejection.
Best wishes,
and the Doctoral College Team
Betty is a second-year PhD student in the School of Life Sciences, and PGR Coordinator in the Doctoral College, working on initiatives to enhance the postgraduate research student experience.
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