Your Week 9 Newsletter
Hi everyone! Welcome back to your weekly student newsletter. It’s almost the end of term, so you’re probably looking forward to taking a well-deserved break.
We have some exciting updates for you, including the launch of a new free multi-use space – The Forum next to the Café Library. You still have the chance to win shopping vouchers if you take part in the Travel Survey, and remember to check out the Christmas opening hours so you can plan ahead over the festive period.
Over 100 students took part in a 5-a-side football 'One World Cup' tournament, which was run as part of the University's One World Warwick event. Congratulations to the African Caribbean Society (mixed team winners) and thank you to everyone that took part. We hope you had fun!
The Forum is our brand new, free to use, pink outdoor space, nestled beside the Café Library, where you can work and learn! This is your space, with seating and a stage area for talks, performances (such as spoken word, acoustic music and theatre), intellectual debates, reading groups and general convening.
Did you know that Warwick is committed to championing student success, enhancing your student experience, and ensuring support through widening participation? Our alumni, donor and supporter community are driven to make a positive impact on the lives of our students. You can find out more in our recently published Student Support Impact Report and see if you could be eligible to access donor funded projects.
Do you know someone who deserves to be recognised for their excellent teaching practices? Don’t miss this opportunity to make your nomination! We are also calling for students to apply to be part of the WATE judging panels for this year’s awards. Visit the WATE 2025 page for more information. Applications will close on 7 February 2025. |
Do you travel to Warwick by bus, car, train, cycling or walking? We want to hear about your experiences. By taking part in our 2024 Travel Survey, you’ll have the chance to win 1 of 50 x £10 shopping vouchers.
Find out what’s open on campus across the Christmas period, from food and drink, to community support services, the Sports Centre, and more. You can visit our opening hours page for details. Remember, if you have an emergency on campus, our Community Safety team are available 24/7.
In the lead up to The University's 60th anniversary, join us to celebrate the impact of Widening Participation at Warwick on 26 February 2025 from, 9.30-3pm. There is also an open call for proposals for workshops and insight talks – applications close 10 January. If you are interested you can find the details here.
Attend the SOHA launch at the FAB Atrium on 28 November, from 4.30-5pm, with a welcome from Warwick's Vicki Squire (PAIS) and Emma Flynn (Provost). The exhibition will be held in the Atrium for two weeks, co-created by Soka Gakkai International and the Earth Charter International, sharing a vision for a sustainable society.
Student loans are a vital resource for many students. In this blog, Charlotte shares advice on how to effectively manage your loan throughout the term.
Best wishes,
and the Student Communications team
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