CS_MyWarwick_newsletter_24_25_Term 2_UG/PGT_Week_7_RD

Language cafés and games nights during EUTOPIA Languages Week, gain skills at the Warwick Award Fair, and more...
The Student Communications Team
International Undergraduate <mrgammon+UG@gmail.com>
60 years and beyond. Making a better world together.

Hello International

Your Week 7 Newsletter

Hi, welcome back to your student newsletter. This week, we’re sharing opportunities for you to develop your skills at the Warwick Award Fair, and immerse yourself in language cafés and games nights during EUTOPIA Languages Week.

You might spot some changes to your student newsletter thanks to our Warwick Student Panel, who recently offered their thoughts and feedback so that we can improve your experience. The Panel let us know what they find most useful and interesting in the weekly newsletter, as well as suggestions for new features - including a wider variety of news and opportunities, upcoming dates for your diary, and a few emojis... 👋 

Please let us know what you think using the faces at the bottom of the newsletter!

Latest news and updates 

Hope, the LEGO Suffragette

Hope, the life-sized
LEGO Suffragette

Have you visited Hope, the life-sized LEGO Suffragette statue? Hope is on display in the Faculty of Arts Building until 28 February, commemorating 75 years since the election of the first female MP for Coventry. Read more and get involved in a series of activities organised by the History department.


Be aware of charity
donation scams

There have been recent reports of charity donation scams on campus by several members of our community. Sadly, fraudsters can take advantage of our generosity when giving to charity. Please be vigilant when invited to donate, and use this advice to help protect yourself and report any concerns.

Get involved

⏰ Professional integrity competition: Last chance to enter

As part of our academic integrity celebrations this month, we’re inviting you to submit a creative piece to answer the question: How can academic integrity set you up for professional integrity in the workplace? Enter by Thursday 27 February and you could win up to £100. All entrants will receive a digital certificate, and you can make your entry count towards the Warwick Award.

💬 Religious and spiritual wellbeing: Have your say

Please take a moment to share your thoughts on the Chaplaincy's facilities and services. Your feedback will help to improve the provision of religious and spiritual wellbeing services at the University. Your responses are confidential, and the survey should take around 15 minutes to complete.

🌱 Green Rewards

Log your sustainable actions, like recycling, saving energy and journey sharing to win Green Points through the Green Rewards app. Each month, there is a raffle with 28 vouchers available for outlets such as Warwick Food & Drink, John Lewis and Bookshop.org. Sign up!

International student support

We want to make sure our international community has access to support resources and important updates. 

Warwick Sport: free 7-day gym and swim pass

The Student Experience team has joined up with Warwick Sport to offer you a free 7-day Warwick Sport gym and swim pass, this Easter. Don’t miss out - get active and boost your wellbeing. Get your pass before 9 March.  

Saida's path to policy advocacy: breaking barriers

Explore Saida’s inspiring journey, from reading newsletters to influencing national policies as a UKCISA international student ambassador, from policy discussion to advocacy training and student leadership.

What's on

Postgraduates at a fair

Warwick Award
Fair: 26 February

Explore various opportunities to develop your skills, earn Warwick Award points, and prepare for life after graduation. Take part in the Code Word Scavenger Hunt at the fair for a chance to win a £25 voucher. Find out more!

EUTOPIA Languages week 2025

EUTOPIA Languages
Week: 3-7 March

Join us from 3-7 March to celebrate languages, cultures, and the diversity of our global community, as part of One World Warwick. Engage in virtual and in-person activities and events, from language cafés to games nights! See what's on throughout the week.
🗓️ Check out more dates for your diary:

Spotlight on... 💡 

Humans of Warwick

Meet Steve. Some of you may recognise Steve from the Students’ Union’s Copper Rooms. After all, he has been a barman at the SU since he was 18…

Steve Russell
Operations Director, Warwick SU

“Most people in my position wouldn’t work the doors anymore, I just choose to!”

Read Steve's story

Steve Russell


Best wishes,

and the Student Communications team


Stay connected

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