CS_MyWarwick_newsletter_24_25_Term 2_UG/PGT_Week_9_MA

Celebrate our 35th Varsity win, discover recipe competition winners, and save on student sports passes!
The Student Communications Team
Student Test <student-test@azorus.com>
60 years and beyond. Making a better world together.

Hello Student

Your Week 9 Newsletter

Hi, welcome back to your student newsletter. This week, we’re celebrating our recipe competition winners, and we have another inspiring Humans of Warwick story for you - read on to learn more about James Bonsall’s 31-year career in the Students’ Union. If you haven’t heard already, #TeamWarwick have brought home another Varsity victory, marking our 35th consecutive win!

Next week, we’ll be back with a special University Mental Health Day edition of the newsletter with useful wellbeing tips, tools and resources to support you through preparing for study, exams and assessments in Term 3.

Latest news and updates 

food items placed on the table

Warwick Food Group’s recipe competition winners

As part of One World Warwick's Global Celebrations Week, staff and students submitted home-inspired recipes to Warwick Food Group. Congratulations to the winners, Bolatito Subair, Leti Perez-Martin, and Jesslyn Varghese. We'll be sharing their recipes and how you can enjoy them on campus very soon!

people playing volleyball

Varsity 2025: Warwick secure the win

#TeamWarwick have done it again, taking home our 35th consecutive Varsity win! A massive congratulations to everyone involved from both Warwick and Coventry for an incredible day and thank you to everyone who came down to show their support at fixtures. Check out the final scores here.

Get involved

🎟️ Warwick Sport: save on student passes

Save at least 50% on student passes with Warwick Sport. Take advantage of a one-day student Gym pass for £5, or a seven-day student Gym & Swim pass for £15. Buy your pass here. The offer will expire on 9 March.

♻️ Let’s Ace Food Waste: food waste bins on campus

The Let’s Ace Food Waste campaign will help to improve waste recycling across campus. From 31 March, food waste bins will be available in all on-campus residences. Learn more about what can go in the bins and Warwick food waste recycling.

💬 University Mental Health Day is coming

It’s University Mental Health Day on 13 March, but talking about mental health and wellbeing is important all year round. Look out for our next special edition newsletter on looking after your mental health and wellbeing. On 13 March, you can also visit our Wellbeing and Student Support colleagues at a pop-up stand, next to the Arts Centre between 11am-1pm – refreshments provided!

What's on

One world warwick logo

One World Warwick
is back

There are many international events happening both on campus and with our partners around the world. This March, get involved in a range of activities and learn about our global partnerships.

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Sustainability Careers Fair: 11 March

Come along to the free SU Sustainability Careers Fair on 11 March, from 12-4pm. Interested in a career in sustainability or a sustainability-related field? Explore career opportunities and meet employers who are prioritising sustainability.
🗓️ Check out more dates for your diary:

Spotlight on…💡 

Humans of Warwick

James Bonsall
Technical Director, Warwick SU

“I remember when Oasis played the Students’ Union. It was one of their early gigs, they played football in the dressing room!”

Read James' story
James Bonsall photo


Best wishes,

and the Student Communications team

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